Join a Committee

PMAWM committees are the perfect venue to meet with your colleagues and help lead the organization. You can help contribute to our association's objectives as well add to your professional experience by volunteering to serve on a committee.
What is required of you?
  • Actively participate in ensuring that the goals for the committee are achieved
  • That you work with the Committee Chair and other committee members to fulfill the responsibilities as outlined and defined.  
  • That you attend committee meetings, and communicate when you cannot (two absences with no call/email/general communication can result in being removed from the committee)
  • Include Association Executive or PMAWM Staff Liaison in all committee communications.
  • Encourage other members to participate in PMAWM social events, education classes, dinners, happy hours and special legislative events.
Committee Roles:

Committee Chair

The ommittee Chair maintains control of the meeting and leads the committee through the process of planning, implementing and evaluating the work of the committee. The Chair works with the PMAWM staff liaison to develop the meeting agenda and sets the tone for the committee work, assigning various tasks to the committee members, ensuring that members have the information needed to do their jobs. Minutes, annual evaluation of the committee and staff liaison are also integral parts of chairing a committee. Finally, the committee Chair is responsible for bringing any action items or reports to the Board. 

Committee Co Chair

A Co Chair should be ready to fulfill the role of the Chair if the chair is unable to attend or carry out their duties. The Co chair assumes the role, usually temporarily, and has the power to make committee decisions after receiving feedback from the committee members.  If the position of the Chair is vacant for any reason, the Co Chair takes over until a time when a new Chair can be appointed.

Committee Member 

The first and foremost responsibility of all committee members is to attend all meetings. After appointment to a committee, it is important for each new member to become familiar with the work of the committee, committee goals, the history, current agenda, and other members of the committee. The importance of committee work cannot be overstated: It allows our members to focus on a single area, discuss issues of importance and, when necessary, present action items to the Board of Directors. In short, being a productive member of the committee means the highest level of participation: through attendance, open discussion and a dedication to follow through on the work that will advance the goals of the committee and in turn PMAWM.

For more information or to sign up for one or more of the following committees simply fill out our Committee Nomination Form.

Click HERE to fill out a Committee Nomination Form

Apartment Careers Committee

The Apartment Careers/Next Gen committee informs the general public of PMAWM and NAA campaigns in order to recruit candidates to careers in the apartment industry, as well as help develop young or rising leaders within. At a local level, the committee will connect with area schools, colleges and businesses to build awareness of the Apartment Industry.  

This committee is tasked with implementing association scholarships to send members to national conferences and/or to give members the opportunity to take a national designation certification course. They help membership to guide the organization's message, seeking positive awareness and PR for the multifamily housing industry. Apartment Careers promotes April's Apartment Career Month campaign and Celebration.

​Meeting Frequency: Monthly meetings every other month on Wednesday's at 11:00 AM via Zoom
  • Kaytlin Meadley

    Kaytlin Meadley

    Talent Acquisition Specialist, AMP Residential LLC

    View Profile



  • Kalyn Johnston

    Kalyn Johnston

    CAM, Real Estate License

    IT Manager, AMP Residential LLC

    View Profile



Education Committee

Education for apartment industry professionals is one of the primary initiatives of the PMA of West Michigan.  This committee is responsible for planning and promoting educational seminars and workshops that are instrumental in the success of industry professionals throughout West Michigan. It is this group’s responsibility to determine all in-person education classes for the year, as well as research speakers for the annual Education Conference.  The committee maintains the progress of the year's class schedule, as well as work on education initiatives from the strategic plan.

Meeting Frequency: Every other month on Tuesday's at 10:00 AM via Zoom
  • Jessica Eberbach

    Jessica Eberbach

    Director of Property Management, Rockford Construction Property Management

    View Profile



Legislative/PAC Committee

The Legislative Committee monitors legislative activity locally and evaluates PMAWM’s position on state legislative initiatives. This group is encouraged to participate in the State Capitol Day.  The Legislative Committee helps to promote the association’s legislative/government matters events.  They work with association staff to raise awareness of the state and national Political Action Campaigns (PAC) and determine effective fundraising opportunities. The Legislative Committee is encouraged to work with staff on any initiatives as defined in the strategic plan.

Meeting Frequency: Every other month on Wednesday's at noon via Zoom
  • Steven Carter

    Steven Carter


    Community Manager , Lakeview Apartments


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee focuses on all thing's member benefits, including membership recruitment and retention strategies. They determine and develop the organization's branding and marketing strategies and communication materials/outlets. This is the testimonial team, and they work on any initiatives as defined in the strategic plan. They lead any membership drives/campaigns on Michigan's West Side and are ambassadors for PMAWM, the State (PMAM) and National Apartment Association (NAA).

Meeting Frequency: Every other month on Tuesday's at 11:00 AM via Zoom

Special Events Committee

The Special Events  & Community Development Committee leads the way in PMAWM networking events, community outreach and charitable giving goals for Corporate Social Responsibility.  This group is responsible for planning and evaluating events throughout the year, ensuring value for both the management/property side of membership as well as our business partners. The Special Events Committee is  expected to maintain the relationship and support of our local American Red Cross through determined fundraising events.  They work with the Education Committee to layout the following year’s calendar and is expected to work on initiatives as outlined in the strategic plan.
Meeting Frequency: Monthly on Wednesday's at 10:00 AM via Zoom
  • Taylor Beukema

    Taylor Beukema

    Sales Executive, Zillow Rentals


  • Deniza Ejupi

    Deniza Ejupi

    Assistant Manager, Stonebrook Townhomes

    View Profile

